Rosie's Roofing and Restoration Atlanta



Your commercial roof is made of many different layers and parts. Most people only think of the outermost layer when they think of roofing, but that is not the only layer to a roof. Here is some information that will help you to better understand the anatomy of a commercial roof.

Structural Deck

The structural deck is the material that helps to support the weight of your commercial roof. It is the innermost layer of the roof. If you go up into the crawl space or the highest point you can reach in your commercial building and look up, you are often looking at the underside of the structural deck of the roof.


Insulation is the next thick layer that is placed on top of the structural deck. The insulation layer helps to increase the energy efficiency of your commercial building. The insulation layer helps to keep heated or cooled air that is in your commercial building inside the building and helps to keep outdoor air out of your commercial building.

Vapor Control Layer

Between your structural deck and the insulation, there is a very thin layer called the vapor control layer. The vapor control layer helps to protect the insulation layer from condensation and moisture build up. This helps to prevent water leaks, as well as protecting the insulation from mildew and mold growth.



The next layer that is applied is the adhesive layer. This is applied on top of the insulation. Adhesive serves two different purposes. First, it helps to bond the insulation layer with the weatherproof membrane that will be placed on top of it. The other purpose of adhesive is to help protect the top of the insulation from moisture build-up, once again, helping to protect against leaks, as well as mold and mildew-growth.

Weatherproof Membrane

The final layer on a commercial roof is the weatherproof membrane. This is the outermost layer that most people see when they look at a commercial roof. The weatherproof membrane helps to protect your commercial building from weather elements, such as rain and snow. Different types of weatherproof membranes include thermoplastic, EPDM, or built-up roofing.

It is recommended that you have your commercial roof inspected at least two times per year. During a commercial roof inspection, a roofer will look for signs that there is damage to any of the layers of your roof. They can then work to repair the damage, helping to extend the lifespan of your roofing system and help to protect the interior of your commercial building against water intrusions and leaks. Here at Rosie’s Roofing and Restoration, a reliable roofing company in Atlanta offers all of the services you will need for your commercial roof in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area. Contact us to schedule your roof inspection today.

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